
AttributeError: module 'chalk' has no attribute 'set_svg_draw_height'

dengl11 opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue is resolved; just wanna share here in case someone else hit the same issue.

Running the notebook gave me the error:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[10], line 3
      1 # @title Setup
----> 3 import triton_viz
      4 import inspect
      5 from triton_viz.interpreter import record_builder

File ~/triton-viz/triton_viz/
      1 from .trace import trace, dump, sample
----> 2 from .draw import collect_grid, draw_record      3 from .interface import launch      5 __all__ = ["trace", "launch", "dump", "sample", "collect_grid", "draw_record"]

File ~/triton-viz/triton_viz/
     24 sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)
     27 planar.EPSILON = 0.0
---> 28 chalk.set_svg_draw_height(500)
     29 BG = Color("white")
     30 WHITE = Color("white")

AttributeError: module 'chalk' has no attribute 'set_svg_draw_height'

Then reinstalling the chalk module ( with

pip install git+

resolved the error

(This issue is resolved; just wanna share here in case someone else hit the same issue.)