
Cannot apply element-wise operator Add

kuroyakov opened this issue · 4 comments

I examined DeepNet sample code referenced by (

However, I executed my code and got System.Exception. Additional information was as follows:

cannot apply element-wise operation Add to unequal shapes ["nHidden"; "nBatch"] and ["nHidden"; "nHidden"]

The exception occurred at let hiddenAct = hiddenWeights .* input.T + hiddenBias
I expect hiddenBias will be [nHidden; nBatch] shapes, but [nHidden; nHidden].

My complete code is as follows:

open Tensor
open Datasets
open SymTensor

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" argv

    let a = HostTensor.init [7L; 5L] (fun [|i; j|] -> 5.0 * float i + float j) 

    /// MINST Dataset
    let mnist = Mnist.load(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "../../MNIST") 0.0 |> TrnValTst.toHost
    printfn "MNIST training set: images have shape %A and labels have shape %A" mnist.Trn.All.Input.Shape mnist.Trn.All.Target.Shape   
    printfn "MNIST test set    : images have shape %A and labels have shape %A" mnist.Tst.All.Input.Shape mnist.Tst.All.Target.Shape

    /// Definition NeuralNetModel
    let mb = ModelBuilder<single> "NeuralNetModel"

    // Definition symbol
    let nBatch  = mb.Size "nBatch"
    let nInput  = mb.Size "nInput"
    let nClass  = mb.Size "nClass"
    let nHidden = mb.Size "nHidden"

    // Model paramaters
    let hiddenWeights = mb.Param ("hiddenWeights", [nHidden; nInput])
    let hiddenBias    = mb.Param ("hiddenBias"   , [nHidden])
    let outputWeights = mb.Param ("outputWeights", [nClass; nHidden])

    // Model variables
    let input  = mb.Var<single> "Input"  [nBatch; nInput]
    let target = mb.Var<single> "Target" [nBatch; nClass]

    // Generating model
    mb.SetSize nInput mnist.Trn.All.Input.Shape.[1]
    mb.SetSize nClass mnist.Trn.All.Target.Shape.[1]
    mb.SetSize nHidden 100L

    let mi = mb.Instantiate DevHost

    // Definition model action in input -> hidden
    let hiddenAct = hiddenWeights .* input.T + hiddenBias // <--------- Exception occurrs!!!
    let hiddenVal = tanh hiddenAct

    // Definition model action in hidden -> output
    let outputAct = outputWeights .* hiddenVal
    let classProb = exp outputAct / Expr.sumKeepingAxis 0 (exp outputAct)

    // Loss function
    let smplLoss = - Expr.sumAxis 0 (target.T * log classProb)
    let loss     = Expr.mean smplLoss

    // Compile
    let lossFn   = mi.Func loss |> arg2 input target

    // Initialization with seed
    mi.InitPars 123

    // test
    let tstLossUntrained = lossFn mnist.Tst.All.Input mnist.Tst.All.Target |> Tensor.value

    printfn "Test loss (untrained): %.4f" tstLossUntrained

    System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
    0 // exit code

My environment are as follows:

  • Windows 7 (64bit)
  • Visual Studio 2015
  • Installed DeepNet via Nuget
  • Installed FSharp.Core(F# 4.1) via Nuget

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding about your sophisticated library.
Could you please let me know how to fix this problem?

Your problem seems to be caused by automatic broadcasting performed by the addition.
The vector of size [nHidden] is automatically broadcast along the first dimension of the matrix of dimension [nHidden;nBatch] resulting in a [nHidden;nHidden] matrix.

You sould be able to solve the problem by manually specifying the dimension along which you want to broadcast the vector.
Just replace

let hiddenAct = hiddenWeights .* input.T + hiddenBias

let hiddenAct = hiddenWeights .* input.T + (Expr.reshape [nHidden;SizeSpec.broadcastable] hiddenBias)

This way a broadcasting dimension is added as the second dimension and the bias vector should now be broadcast to a matrix of the required shape.

Let me know if this worked or if you have further questions.

Thanks so much for your instruction. My code worked fine!

Unfortunately, When I proceed training section, test loss was same value each iterations.
I revised my code in the last few lines as follows:

    // Training
    let opt = Optimizers.GradientDescent (loss, mi.ParameterVector, DevHost)
    let optFn = mi.Func opt.Minimize |> opt.Use |> arg2 input target

    // Set learning rate
    let optCfg = {Optimizers.GradientDescent.Cfg.Step=1e-1f}
    for itr = 0 to 1000 do
        let t = optFn mnist.Trn.All.Input mnist.Trn.All.Target optCfg  
        if itr % 50 = 0 then
            let l = lossFn mnist.Tst.All.Input mnist.Tst.All.Target |> Tensor.value
            printfn "Test loss after %5d iterations: %.4f" itr l

I got the result:

Test loss after     0 iterations: 2.3019
Test loss after    50 iterations: 2.3019
Test loss after   950 iterations: 2.3019
Test loss after  1000 iterations: 2.3019

Please let me know what's wrong about my code.

Do I need to create another issue for the further question?

Hey kuroyakov,

there has been a lot of work going on in the project and unfortunately the docs and code example are a little bit behind right now. I will look over them in the next few days and come back to you as soon as possible.


Hi surban.

Thank you for your response and I understand and am proud that you're doing.
I'm looking forward to your update.