
have you implemented ATI-CNN?

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have you implemented ATI-CNN?

ATI-CNN is essentially a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) with a VGG-like CNN backbone, It can be initiated for example

from copy import deepcopy

from torch_ecg.model_configs import ECG_CRNN_CONFIG
from torch_ecg.models import ECG_CRNN

model_config = deepcopy(ECG_CRNN_CONFIG) = "vgg16"
# rnn and attention can be changed like above
model = ECG_CRNN(["AF", "PVC"], 12, model_config)

Then the above model is almost an ATI-CNN, except that the attention module proposed in ATI-CNN is not implemented, but you can use the more commonly used se (Squeeze-and-Excitation, the default one), gc (Global Context), nl (Non-Local) instead.

普通的convolution就是跨channel (lead)的,就把不同channel的信息融合到了一起 (除了所谓的depth-wise convolution, 把groups的数目设置成和in_channels一样。) 另外,ATI-CNN的最后的Attention应该和AttentivePooling是类似的。


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