
Ability to further filter repositories shown or query via api

jmhbnz opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey Team - This is a wonderful project! I'm hoping there is a way either through an API or customised filtering to create a more refined view for a subset of repositories that are of particular interest.

I could take a fork and run a copy with a cut down list of repositories but I would like to just run off one source of truth and not maintain a second instance if possible.

Can someone please let me know if a data api is available, or if there is a way I can supply a filter for a sub list of repositories to the frontend at

Many thanks 🙏🏻

Hey @jmhbnz ! I tried to contribute to this repo as well but I haven't seen any activity in the last few months. I decided to fork it to keep it alive. Please see and feel free to open a pull request or an issue there. At this time I am setting up the hosting and cleaning up the code. If you're up for it, I could use some help to convert the app from Nuxt.js & Python to Next.js & Typescript.