
What is Algolia used for?

lucavallin opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I noticed this project is a little unmaintained, therefore I forked it at and I am planning to revamp it a little.
I don't understand how Algolia is used however. In the file, the script is using Algolia to "index" something. What is it doing exactly, and why is that?


hi @lucavallin i would like to work on this issue, please assign me this issue

@sahil-MK2 Unfortunately I don't have permissions to do so. If you'd like to collaborate on, however, I can give you access there.

Hey @sahil-MK2 ! I tried to contribute to this repo as well but I haven't seen any activity in the last few months. I decided to fork it to keep it alive. Please see and feel free to open a pull request or an issue there. At this time I am setting up the hosting and cleaning up the code. If you're up for it, I could use some help to convert the app from Nuxt.js & Python to Next.js & Typescript.

Hi @lucavallin how can we get in touch I'm intrested in contributing to your project

Hey @TakasiVenkataSandeep-08, sure, great to hear! Feel free to open a discussion on my fork and we can have a chat there :)

Hi Is @TakasiVenkataSandeep-08 are you working on this ?