
The way to download Volve data

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Miguel,

Thank you for the valuable tool Seis2Rock. I'd like to ask for the Volve data that I tried to download this from the website of Equinor but I can not get the weblink for that.

Could you please kindly open the link for me to download this dataset then I could learn from this after that if possible I can apply to our field data set which will be create for us.

Thank you very much for your kind support.

Hi Hein,

Thanks for your message, and for using Seis2Rock. I wanted to comment on the Volve data quickly. It is open access, thanks to Equinor, and includes prestack data in offsets. You can download it here:

We have preprocessed this data to convert it from offsets to angle gathers using the velocity model. More details about this preprocessing can be found in our article, specifically in section 3.2.1 Preprocessing of the Volve Data:

Please note that these notebooks do not include the preprocessing steps. However, if you want to convert your data from offset to angle domain, you can follow this example:

The small sections/preprocessed data used for the Volve notebooks is available now in zenodo: