
Stride: Evmos and Injective Fee History

shellvish opened this issue · 0 comments

There are two days where Stride's EVMOS and INJ fees were miscalculated (see here). In particular, I think the denoms were incorrectly calculated on April 14th and 15th. Is there a way to forward-fill fees for Evmos and Injective on those days for Stride? The router is correctly calculated now (see this PR) so I think we only need to adjust those fees backwards-looking. If it's easier, we can also throw out all fees for Evmos and Injective until now.

Apologies, I'm not very familiar with the DefiLlama codebase, but if you can point me to this part of the repo, I'm also happy to submit a PR! Also apologies if this is the wrong repo to report this issue, I'm happy to repost elsewhere if that's better.

Thanks so much for the help, please let me know if I can help clarify.