
Compound line graphs for TVL Chains & Tokens (USD)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey team!
I have a suggestion for better UX, that can be easily implemented.

We build an omnichain defi protocol and I think Chains & Tokens (USD) graphs on TVL tab can be displayed in better way.



  • Each chain's TVL is displayed as a separate graph, and each graph is superimposed on one another
  • Y axis reflects only the biggest chain TVL (because line graphs are superimposed)

How it can be improved:

  • Enable compounding for line graphs (see example below)
  • Y axis will reflect the total TVL of the protocol across all chains

It can applied for all charts with USD denomination on Y axis (Chains, Tokens (USD), and others).
I really hope you consider and update line graphs configuration, because we are going to have 50+ chains integrated soon.

Not sure who is better to tag for visibility? @g1nt0ki ?

@ilzheev nice idea, checking the the team

so it used to be like you mentioned but we changed it cause it was hard to identify growth in chains