
Ribasim output checks

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As all relevant teams are now implementing or preparing to run the Ribasim models, it would be efficient to establish a checklist to verify whether the Ribasim model (as generated) meet the expected criteria.

Below is an initial set of checks. These checks are intended as guidelines rather than strict requirements; they serve to flag potential issues. Please feel free to suggest additional checks if necessary.

Water levels

  • Q(h) relationship below the specified range
  • Q(h) relationship above the specified range
  • Water level below the defined profile
  • Water level above the defined profile
  • Water level deviating more than 20 cm from the target level

Basin volumes

  • Maximum storage per basin
  • Minimum storage per basin
  • Ratio of storage per basin to maximum inflow

Rate of change

  • Rate of change water level >10 cm / day
  • Rate of change water level < 0.1 cm / day


  • Pumps operating less than 5% of the time
  • Pumps operating more than 50% of the time

Model control

  • Water balance error exceeding 1% per basin
  • Water balance error exceeding 1% across the entire model area