
Compiling Manually

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Looks like just what I want. I'm just getting into Go language and I wanted to try creating a windows binary, so I installed GO, set up my environment, did the test example and it works. I then execute the command

go get

and I see this folder all the dependencies downloaded but no binary created. This is what I get in the command window after executing the above command -

#\Masterminds\sprig\crypto.go:35:37: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

Any idea what it means? Is it possible to create the binary this way?

Update - ran "go run koekr.go" from command line and I got the same as above.

That's caused by an API change in Go I think, and it's the package maintainer who should solve this. So the best is to follow up on this issue: Masterminds/sprig#75