
Stop Timer?

RAyWB opened this issue · 3 comments

RAyWB commented

Hi ,
as I´m not a professional coder just a question:
How is it possible to stop the Timer?
In my project I´m generating step pulses for a stepper motor but the question is how to stop the timer.
i added :

void TC_Timer::stopTimer(){

to my copy and it seems to work well , not shure if it´s correct to do it that way.
May be you find the time to check and add the feature.

Thanks for your effort

Dear Robert,
Thanks for your interest in my code. I don't have the time to extend my code, unfortunately. But I do remember that someone forked my code to add the start/stop functionality that you request. Have a look at

Best, Dennis

RAyWB commented

Dear Dennis,
Thanks for your really quick response !
That´s what i was looking for.
Kind regards,

You're welcome. Actually, I just have merged Sennert's stop & restart functions into my branch. I haven't tested it myself, though.