
Shortcuts containing no letters are no longer working

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Recently a few symbols are no longer getting suggested by Gboard when the shortcuts are typed. The issue seems to be with shortcuts that do not contain any letters or numbers.

Affected shortcuts

_+	₊	
^+	⁺	
_-	₋	
^-	⁻	
_=	₌	
^=	⁼	
^(	⁽	
^)	⁾	
_(	₍	
_)	₎	
^→	⃗	// note: alternatives already exist -- ^to, ^\to, ^rightarrow, ^\rightarrow
^∞	᪲	// note: alternatives already exist -- ^inf, ^\inf, ^infty, ^\infty
_∞	 ͚	// note: alternatives already exist -- _inf, _\inf, _infty, _\infty

Possible solutions

A simple way to fix this would be to add new shortcuts to make these shortcuts easier to type.

Any help coming up with replacement shortcuts is appreciated.

Suggestion for alternatives:

_plus	₊	
^plus	⁺	
_minus	₋	
^minus	⁻	
_eq	₌	
^eq	⁼	
^lp	⁽	
^rp	⁾	
_lp	₍	
_rp	₎	

I will add these. If anyone has better ideas, they can be added as well.