
Add more Unicode shortcuts

DenverCoder1 opened this issue · 6 comments


Is there a Unicode symbol you need to type often but can't access easily from Gboard?

If it doesn't already exist in the shortcuts dictionary, you can create an issue for it or add it yourself.

Notes about formatting

Gboard requires a very specific format for shortcut files to work.


Each line of the file containing a shortcut must have: the shortcut (ex. \sum), a single tab ( ), the symbol (ex. ), and another a single tab ( ) at the end of the line.

Note: Some editors automatically convert tabs to spaces, you can try to avoid this by copy-pasting the tabs from a different line to ensure the spacing is correct.

Shortcut guidelines

Shortcuts must be the same as the command from LaTeX or resemble the LaTeX shortcuts. If typing the symbol is complex in LaTeX, a shorter shortcut may be used as long as it is in the style of LaTeX commands.

It is at the discretion of the project maintainer to decide whether a certain shortcut should be accepted or not.


Hi @DenverCoder1
How do you create this dictionary.txt? Do you first make a list of symbols in .tex and then convert it to .txt, or some other algo?

How do you create this dictionary.txt? Do you first make a list of symbols in .tex and then convert it to .txt, or some other algo?

@adi-mohan The original was created by using the export function from the Gboard settings. After that it is just modified manually in any text editor but the formatting must be preserved.

Thanks for the explanation @DenverCoder1 . Additionally, I wanted to know how do you reproduce the LaTeX symbols in .txt , I have tried Atom, Notepad, etc , but all of them miss-out on compiling the symbols correctly. I presume that even if I use some kind of LaTeX editor, then during converting it to .txt format, I will again stumble upon the issue mentioned above.

@adi-mohan The project is very simple. There are not really any LaTeX symbols involved, but rather I have taken Unicode characters that look like LaTeX symbols (for example ∑ sum) and created Gboard shortcuts for them. These symbols can be found on sites such as compart and and they can be copy-pasted to create shortcuts.

question is this symbol included ±, I didn't see it in there and assume it would be a good addition