
Support for text containing semicolons

DenverCoder1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently it isn't possible, as far as I know, to use semicolons in the lines parameter as text since it will be always be treated as a line separator.

Current workarounds include using a Greek Question Mark ; in place of the semicolon in your text.

Possible ideas for solutions

Option 1: Allow specifying the separator character as another parameter (eg. &sep=|) to change which character is used for separation and allowing semicolons. On the demo site this can be hidden from the user and just use ; if no semicolons are used in the text, and something else if there are (Possibly the separator could become ;; if ; appears in the text, ;;; if ;; appears in the text, etc. to allow for infinitely many possible separators depending on the text.)

Option 2: Allow a way of "escaping" semicolons (eg. \;) in the text which should get treated as text on the backend instead of as a separator. (Note may be a breaking change since it changes the way a line ending with a backslash is parsed.)

Option 3: Automatically convert semicolons in the text on the demo site to Greek Question Marks instead of making a backend solution. (This is not ideal since it doesn't provide an easy solution for those not using the demo site.)

I think Option 1 would be the cleanest solution, I am open to other ideas if anyone has input on the subject.