
Script to check for dead links in Brightway documentation and notebooks

Opened this issue · 1 comments


We need a script that can check for dead links in Brightway materials (HTML or JSON; converting Jupyter notebooks to HTML first is OK) and produce a report in something like JSON for links which are broken.

Prize Amount

25 CHF or EUR


Script submitted as a PR to this repo. The script can be in any reasonable language. If there is already a good open source implementation, you can earn the prize by point to it :)


Verification will be performed against known good and bad web pages and Jupyter notebooks.

@cmutel, may I suggest we transfer this issue to the documentation repo?
I believe Sphinx core functionality ( with the nbsphinx package) should work just fine:

This builder scans all documents for external links, tries to open them with requests, and writes an overview which ones are broken and redirected to standard output and to output.txt in the output directory.

All we would need to do it make sure the output file is written to the right place.