Masonry adding items limitation (Slow speed)
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Affected Packages
- @yeger/eslint-config
- @yeger/vue-masonry-wall
- @yeger/vue2-masonry-wall
- vecti
I started using this plugin but I have a problem with the speed of masonry rendering with load more pagination. If there are too many elements on the page and I create a new array each time (instead of push to the existing array) the rendering starts to slow down.
Would it be possible to add push to array support to the plugin ? I think this would solve the problem with the speed of rendering a lot of elements.
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- I want to be assigned to and work on this issue myself
Thank you for the report.
I don't think the creation of a new array is actually causing performance issues in this case.
Every change to the input array would still require all elements to be redrawn (as it's done as of now), because we can't assume a simple push.
Arbitrary actions, e.g., element removal, would require a complex diffing algorithm as that used by Android's RecyclerView.
This library is intentionally kept simple.
Without a virtual list, an infinite scroller will eventually be slow anyway.
Did you consider defining a hard limit for the input length?
items.value = [...items.value, newItem].slice(items.value.length - 99)
Would limit the length to 99.
PS: After reconsideration, that approach probably won't work either, because the column distribution will shift.
Yes I have tried deleting the last X records, unfortunately this is not the solution. The site scrolling then jumps and the page behaves strangely.
What is the implementation in a similar library ? According to their demo it seems that the rendering works fast even with a large array.
According to this library works for pushing a new array.
I'm aware of fuxingloh/vue-masonry-wall, this library started as a fork of it.
I couldn't get array pushes to trigger Vue's reactivity and am not sure what's causing it.
Please let me know if you know any fix.