
Change command names

cclamb opened this issue · 3 comments

Would you be opposed to changing some of the command names? I have some name collisions I'd like to avoid. I can make the change and submit a pull request if you're cool with it.

Reluctant to change the names around since they are tied to lessons in the debugging book but I’ll consider making a renaming functionality so you can override the command names

You can create new names and have the old names be aliases for the new names!

You know what, @simsong is right, @cclamb, you can put my script importer at the start of your ~/.lldbinit file. Redeclare my commands to your new desired names, and then declare your custom commands after mine.

So let's say you wanted to change my search command to yay_search, My ~/.lldbinit would look like the following:

command script import /Users/derekselander/lldb_repo/lldb_commands/
command script add -f yay_search

# your custom commands heres