
Icons in Field text

Closed this issue · 3 comments

NNTin commented

This is your Discord Webhook Example. It shows how you can have an icon at the very beginning and at the very end.

Here is someone putting icons in a Field. How is he doing it?

NNTin commented

Is it possible to #link-to-text-channels and ping @everyone through webhook? I've been trying without success.

edit: everyone pings work but text channel links dont work.
also you can't ping specific roles even though other people can.

Where did you found this screenshot ?
I'm asking the same question.
But It's probably custom icons sadly.

NNTin commented

It was custom icons. You can write them via: <:clockwerk:295657808622256139>
I made a discord twitter bot: go to #info you can see it in action there. (Though that icon only works in my server)