
Connection refused submitting flags

arhadnane opened this issue · 11 comments

why I 've: - - [03/May/2020 18:08:14] "GET /api/get_config HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/May/2020 18:08:19] "POST /api/post_flags HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[2020-05-03 18:08:20,587] DEBUG in submit_loop: Submitting 1 flags (out of 1 in queue)
[2020-05-03 18:08:20,588] ERROR in submit_loop: Exception on submitting flags: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused - - [03/May/2020 18:08:25] "POST /ui/show_flags HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[2020-05-03 18:08:25,591] DEBUG in submit_loop: Submitting 1 flags (out of 1 in queue)
[2020-05-03 18:08:25,591] ERROR in submit_loop: Exception on submitting flags: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused - - [03/May/2020 18:08:30] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

what's the meaning of this please :

'SYSTEM_PROTOCOL': 'ructf_http',

# 'SYSTEM_URL': '',
# 'SYSTEM_TOKEN': 'your_secret_token',

# 'SYSTEM_PROTOCOL': 'volgactf',
# 'SYSTEM_HOST': '',

# 'SYSTEM_PROTOCOL': 'forcad_tcp',
# 'SYSTEM_HOST': '',
# 'SYSTEM_PORT': 31337,
# 'TEAM_TOKEN': 'your_secret_token',

Where would you like the farm to send flags?

The error probably means that no correct destination for sending flags is defined. The settings you've pasted allows you to define such a destination.

I work in localhosh: server in and client:
it's correct to make this in config file:
'SYSTEM_PROTOCOL': 'ructf_tcp',
'SYSTEM_PORT': 5001,


Can you please describe what you're using the farm for?

Is it a CTF competition or a training?

Training , i test only in local machine

I ve tested all of protocole, all of theme give error

For training, you also need to have a checksystem - a system that checks whether a flag is correct. The farm can't decide this by itself because it doesn't know the list of correct flags. Do you have such a checksystem?

No, how can i get one ?

What services or which competition do you use for training?

Usually the services and the competition are published with the appropriate checksystem.

The checksystem you've mentioned above can be used for RuCTFE and RuCTF.

CTF competition , i run sploit like this:
team1:~/client# python3 --server-url