
Feature: Integrate with Planner to launch a selected project

dar5hak opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be nice if Workspaces could open Planner (provided it is installed) with a specific project preselected. This would make for a brilliant workflow where you can see your list of tasks right when you open a workspace and would probably be one of the most exemplary inter-app integrations in the elementary OS ecosystem.

This will likely require passing some kind of request through Contractor, and some work on Planner side as well. Of course, it needs a lot of effort on design and development side, but I'm posting to see the interest level and start a conversation if needed. I can lend a hand on development too.

Thanks for the request. I personally don't use Planner, would you mind opening an issue there as well to see if this would be even possible?

To accommodate this we can add a way to add extra params to the application. So you would select an application =>planner and then in a field extraparams we can pass the param that Planner expects to open itself on a preselected project

That makes a lot of sense. It would support all applications which accept CLI arguments.

alainm23/planify#505 obviates this.