
Sage with Vite Project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Sage + Vite Theme


Advanced WordPress starter theme with Tailwind CSS, Laravel Blade and Vite




Rename .env.example to .env and set the url for your site in APP_URL, also you can configurate the Hot Module Replacement in HMR_HOST and HMR_PORT

Make sure you have all the requirements, then clone the repository and inside of the folder run the follows commands.

First run:



  composer install

Once you have all the dependencies you have to build the assets:

  yarn build

And Finally just run:

  yarn dev

Recomended libraries

  • ACF Composer for the advanced custom fields, (AFC Pro required)
  • Navi Easy way to handle the WordPress menus, I also hate the WordPress NavWalker xD
  • Poet provides simple configuration-based post type, taxonomy, editor color palette, block category, block pattern and block registration/modification.