
General Help :)

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Hello Everyone :),

I hope you're doing well. :) First I just want to say, it's neat that we've all been working over the last 4 days over this assignment! It's wild to think that people all over the place are all coming up with solutions; how exciting! :)

This is my first time using GitHub, so I'm still figuring things out, and I thought that maybe I could start a type of Q and A here for other newbies (like myself! :)). And, that we can ask questions, and hopefully help each other out as we learn.

I thought I would start with a few questions, and if anyone can help that would be awesome! :)
(1) In the "Pull requests" tab it seems to show all of the pull requests that everyone is pushing through, and I noticed that some of the names have a check mark or an 'x' next to the title. What does this refer to? And, is it something that I should focus on making sure to get a check somehow? If mine doesn't have either, is that something that should be a concern?
(2) Once it's there (in the Pull request tab), does that mean it's been pushed through enough to be reviewed by recruiters?
(3) I know that we have to submit it as well through the Assignment page, but it requires uploading a file. Do I paste the URL of the pull request then in the Notes sections or is there also a file I should be uploading?

That's all for now! But, I thought it would be neat if other people could comment and we could help each other :), as we learn. I'll try checking back here too, to see if there's anything I can contribute too to other people's questions. :)

Have fun coding! :) It might seem like a lot, but just remember, there's a beauty in the process too! :) Y'all are doing great!

I'm not sure If this is correct but I think the check and x indicates if you can run the tests in the terminal. Not sure, I'm curious too. As for the URL, you should paste the URL in the notes. It didn't explain anything about the file sections so I am assuming you leave it blank for now. I hope this helps, good luck (:

  1. The 'x' or 'checkmark' indicates if the tests in the CI have passed, its the little checks portion in the lower part of the pull request
  2. Once your pull request shows up on the main repo: it's public and can be reviewed by recruiters, so as long as you're finished and pushed your final updates, it should be ready for review
  3. I didn't upload any file, i just submitted my pr url and clicked submit on the link

Wow! That's so neat that there are features like that :). Thank you both so much!

Does anyone know how to run the tests? I think, in my section there's a bar that says:

1 workflow awaiting approval
This workflow requires approval from a maintainer. [Learn more about approving workflows.]

Is there something I should be doing to get approval to do the tests, or is this referring to something different than the tests? Thanks so much! :)

Your tests should run automatically in the CI if configured, there's nothing for you to do.

1 workflow awaiting approval This workflow requires approval from a maintainer. [Learn more about approving workflows.]

Is there something I should be doing to get approval to do the tests, or is this referring to something different than the tests? Thanks so much! :)

So usually what happens in pull request is that you are developing potential code changes that can then be 'merged' as part of the original repository. In order to protect the original repository from random changes that could potentially break the library's code, pull requests are there for the original maintainers to have a look and to make sure everything is okay. So basically approval from a maintainer means that they need to approve your PR so that it can then be 'merged' to the original repo.

None of our PRs will be merged into the main repo, its just a way for us to showcase our code as a way to test our development skills, code writing, and problem solving methods etc...

Thanks again! I really appreciate all of the info. :) Is there something I can do to configure the Cl? My tests don't seem to be running :/.

Hi @ritterje!

Awesome of you to be pushing through getting familiar with GitHub for the first time!

Is there something I should be doing to get approval to do the tests, or is this referring to something different than the tests? Thanks so much! :)

Exactly what @julian-fong mentioned. There are automatic guards in place to ensure the safety of the code and sometimes the guards also trigger a manual requirement from the maintainer to run the tests.

I had the exact same thing happen to me. But when I submitted my full application (coding challenge + aptitude test + this challenge), the reviewer manually triggered the tests and checked my PR as reviewed.

I can't seem to pinpoint the pattern that makes this a manual trigger (I went through a couple of the PRs where it wasn't triggered) and there doesn't seem to be a pattern in terms of what or how many files you edit to trigger this phenomenon. But yeah, no need to worry.

Thank you all so much for your help :). Things make a lot more sense now to me. :) Just because I'm worrying a bit about it (haha :)), the link that we were supposed to send is this one?:[number]
with [number] being the pull request number? I guess, I'm starting to worry because mine doesn't have the check yet, and it seems that a lot of other people's do. :)
Thanks again everyone! I appreciate all the help, more than you know!

yg-xyz commented

@ritterje Yup - that's the link. And yeah, I totally get the concern! I was worrying a lot too when it happened to me. I think they review the pull requests in order of when the full applications are submitted. So when it's time for your's, the reviewer will look at your pull request, manually trigger your tests (which will result in the check), and mark it as reviewed.

Thanks again :). They updated mine as reviewed but there still is no check-mark. Is this concerning? (Sorry for asking so many times, haha :)). It means a lot to me, so I think I'm overanalyzing things :).

Does anyone know what happens next after you have successfully done everything and the test has been ran ?

Does anyone know what happens next after you have successfully done everything and the test has been ran ?

I believe you will have to wait for it to get reviewed. They will add a "reviewed" label to your PR once they do so. Until then, I recommend checking periodically to see. They will reach out to successful candidates for the next steps.