
Clarification on test case encoding

Closed this issue · 5 comments

csjh commented

The tests expect the output .....OO.....O.O...OO...........O.OOOO.O...OO....OO.O........OO..OO.....OOO.OOOO..OOO for the input Abc 123 xYz, which doesn't appear to match, so I think my initial understanding of the encoding process is incorrect?

Here's my understanding:

// initial

// split into length-6 strings
.....O O..... O.O... OO.... ...... .O.OOO O.O... OO.... OO.O.. ...... OO..OO .....O OO.OOO O..OOO

// convert to direct equivalents
<capital follows> a b c <space> <number follows> 2 3 4 <space> x <capital follows> y z

Here, the numeric part becomes 2/3/4 instead of the expected 1/2/3 - is the expected output incorrect, or just my understanding? My process matches for the 42 example, so not sure where I might've went wrong.

Im having the same thoughts. Been staring at this test for a while now wondering how it became 2/3/4.

same here getting the same as @brezden

same here...

The tests have been updated for the correct braille number sequence. Run a pull on your fork to pull down those changes locally. PRs will be testing against the updated tests on the main repo.