
Examples wrong output

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In the under the Examples section, we have the following:

  • Input: .....OO.....O.O...OO...........O.OOOO.O...OO....OO.O..
  • Output: Abc 123

The output should be Abc 234

Going through the input section by section:

['.....O', 'O.....', 'O.O...', 'OO....', '......', '.O.OOO', 'O.O...', 'OO....', 'OO.O..']

Braille English
.....O capital follows
O..... a
O.O... b
OO.... c
...... space
.O.OOO number follows
O.O... 2
OO.... 3
OO.O.. 4

Putting it all together we get Abc 234.

I was going through the examples to test my code and spotted that error. Anyone else? Was the braille table given wrong? Or was the input output example just simply wrong as I showed?

Hi @ousmanebarry , I think they have fixed the case. If you merge the change in this repo to your fork, it should work.