
An issue about the python test case that I can't seem to solve.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have done everything in the assignment instructions, and I am pretty confident my program is 100% correct by now. However, the test case in the test file still results in an empty string whenever the pull request workflow executes. On my machine, I can execute it no problem, and get the expected result. The only difference is that I am using python 3.9, and I invoke python using "python", not "python3". I am almost certain the issue comes from this, but I don't know what I can do personally in order to solve it. My pull request is #132, if you want to take a look at it yourself.

As a side note, I saw a couple of more python pull requests that have the same issue, so it is more likely to be a problem with the testing setup itself. Could the testing scripts be updated to try running the test case with "python" as well, aside from just "python3"?

The python tests are built specifically for Python 3.8 as the target.

So, what should I do? Will you accept my submission as is or do I need to make changes?