Validate file size in the dx-file-uploader.
sabbirbiam opened this issue · 1 comments
sabbirbiam commented
Hi, I am trying to upload multimedia. But I have a requirement that video files are not more than 200MB and audio files not more than 15 MB and others files not more than 20 MB. To check this I have taken the event onBeforeSend
. But I can not able to stop uploading
if it does not meet the validation. My requirement is, I would like to check the multimedia size based on the multimedia type. If the specific multimedia does not meet the validation then I would like to cancel that request
by throwing messages like "File size less than 100 MB.
My code is:
onBeforeSend(e): void {
if (e.file.type === 'image/png') {
if (e.file.size >= 1000) {
const testt = this.fileUploaderComponent;
const testtss = this.fileUploaderComponent?.instance;
const test = e?.instance?.();
onebalaban commented
Could you please submit a ticket to our support center and attach a demo project to demonstrate the issue?