
Not able to launch test website from testcafe (works fine manually)

vikaschoudhary89 opened this issue · 2 comments

What is your Scenario?

  1. Launch a test website, which redirects to Azure Active directory
  2. When I try to launch the website using Chrome/Firefox, site does not load and blank page is displayed.

What is the Current behavior?

Azure Active directory login page is not loading and blank page is displayed.



What is the Expected behavior?

Login page should be loaded

What is your public website URL? (or attach your complete example)

internal test website, not accessible outside organization network

What is your TestCafe test code?

 await t

Your complete configuration file

No response

Your complete test report

No response


No response

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Launch a test website, which redirects to Azure Active directory
  2. When I try to launch the website using Chrome/Firefox, site does not load and blank page is displayed.

TestCafe version


Node.js version


Command-line arguments

testcafe firefox .\tests\test.ts --skip-js-errors

Browser name(s) and version(s)

Firefox 78.10.0 and Chrome 99.0.4844.51

Platform(s) and version(s)

No response


No response

Thank you for submitting this issue. We would love to assist you and diagnose it. However, we need a simple sample that we can easily run on our side in order to replicate the issue and research its cause. Without a sample, we are not able to figure out what's going on and why this issue occurs. Refer to this article to create the best example: How To: Create a Minimal Working Example When You Submit an Issue. We look forward to your response.

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information from the original author. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further.