
Script error during processing destruction with ?? operator

miherlosev opened this issue · 3 comments

Origin code

function aria() {
            var {icon: t, text: n} = this.props
                , r = (n ?? "") || t;

Processed code

 function aria() {
             var _hh$temp0=this.props,t=_hh$temp0.icon,n=_hh$temp0.text,r=n??""||t; 

The issue is reproduced on any application written with angular@14.x0.

hi @miherlosev will this fix(testcafe-hammerhead v24.5.24) be a part of any alfa of testcafe soon?

Hi @jlabaj,

It is already released in the 1.20.0-rc.1 Testcafe version.