
Paths not working when in sub-directory

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I've installed the plugin successfully.

Path to application http://localhost/app

If I include the css-files without slash at the beginning:

{!! Minify::stylesheet([
    ]) !!}

I get the error message:
File '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/app/publicassets/plugins/pace/pace-theme-flash.css' does not exist

If I add the slash I get no error message but the css-files are not loaded because the path is not correct:


Adding a base_url didn't help. What I am doing wrong?

Thank you!

the path is a relative path to your public/ directory so what you are doing is assuming your css file lives in 'PROJECT/public/assets/plugins/pace/pace-theme-flash.css'