Exception while trying to describe all PVCs
Closed this issue · 3 comments
pblgomez commented
Describe the bug
Checking the app ( as it was working before ) it now throws an error
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Expected behavior
To be able to describe pvc
Extra Information Requested
- Kubernetes Version: 1.24
- Prometheus Version: kube-prometheus-stack v45.18.0
- Enable "Verbose" mode in helm chart, and copy/paste the values printed therein
Volume Autoscaler - Configuration
Prometheus URL: http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus:9090
Prometheus Version: 2.42.0
Prometheus Labels: {}
Interval to query usage: every 60 seconds
Scale up after: 5 intervals (300 seconds total)
Scale above percentage: disk is over 80% full
Scale up minimum increment: 1000000000 bytes, or 1G
Scale up maximum increment: 16000000000000 bytes, or 16T
Scale up maximum size: 16000000000000 bytes, or 16T
Scale up percentage: 20% of current disk size
Scale up cooldown: only resize every 22200 seconds
Verbose Mode: is ENABLED
Dry Run: is Disabled
HTTP Timeouts for k8s/prom: is 15 seconds
Exception while trying to describe all PVCs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/./main.py", line 64, in <module>
pvcs_in_kubernetes = describe_all_pvcs(simple=True)
File "/app/helpers.py", line 335, in describe_all_pvcs
output_objects["{}.{}".format(item.metadata.namespace,item.metadata.name)] = convert_pvc_to_simpler_dict(item)
File "/app/helpers.py", line 305, in convert_pvc_to_simpler_dict
if 'volume.autoscaler.kubernetes.io/last-resized-at' in pvc.metadata.annotations:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
AndrewFarley commented
@pblgomez Thanks for reporting this. I will do some validation on 1.24 and your specific version of Prometheus shortly, and see if I can replicate your bug and will comment back.
pblgomez commented
It's not happening anymore, so it's hard to give you more info.
Feel free to close as it doesn't happen anymore. 🤷♂️
AndrewFarley commented
Catching more exceptions in 1783f4d which should catch and handle this gracefully...