

Closed this issue · 2 comments

fny commented

Sorry for a dump like this! Making an issue for each suggestion would have been too cumbersome. All of this feedback relates to the mobile experience and design. I'd be happy to make these adjustments (and more) my self.


  • Nice work! I think this will be incredibly useful as a reference when making counter arguments.
  • Make sure to run a spelling and grammar check across all the copy on the site (Typosaurus and Grammarly might be useful). I've seen a bunch of errors all over the place

Questions Page

  • header.home-header h1 padding top is a bit much on mobile. screen shot 2016-10-08 at 3 45 14 pm
  • Not to fond of the ellipses preceding each question
  • Font for the Qs is too large on mobile
  • "Isn't she cold robotic and unlikable?" I'm not sure how I feel about the phrasing of this question

Answer Pages

  • .post margin-left needs to go on mobile. The balance of the page is being thrown off.
  • Bulleted text should align with question/answer copy and the bullet should sit in the page gutter. You could do something similar with the Qs and As. Note this would require increasing the gutter to ~20-30px.
  • Reduce the copy font-size to 14px
  • Try a lighter variant Montserrat variant for the copy
  • Use a dotted border bottom instead of underlines for less distracting links
  • There's no need to repeat the myth question in the body. At the top of the page (e.g. "Myth: isn't she a criminal for using a private email server" followed by "Q: isn't Hillary is [sic] a criminal because she used a private email server?")
  • Italics in quotes make them hard to read
  • Header could use some tweaking (see adjustments)

How It Could Look

Here are some screenshots of what things would look like with some of the above suggestions implemented. Note this is just me messing around with the Chrome inspector for ~15min, so there's still a lot that could be improved!

screen shot 2016-10-08 at 4 15 05 pm

screen shot 2016-10-08 at 4 15 14 pm

Eyas commented

Hi @fny could yo comment on which items remain to be done after #110?

fny commented

I did everything that was possible, so I'll just close this.