
Hillary & Russia Relations: Is she a hawk?

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Eyas commented

An unconvinced commenter:

She would rather us go to war with Russia than talk to Putin, so she's definitely a war hawk.

This should be easy to dispel:

  1. HRC was involved in the Iran deal, Iran is the Russian sphere, she definitely avoided war with a major country in the Russian sphere that many were pushing for
  2. There is a difference between cozying up with a country that violates human rights and between being involved in military conflict... this is at the crux of the Obama doctrine. A few Obama quotes from the Atlantic article might be useful here. HRC might find the use of force as more acceptable in some cases but definitely continues the diplomatic thread.
    • e.g. sanctions against Russia r.e. Ukraine, not war
  3. Yeah I don't know.. it is so weird making this argument because it is the republicans who are escalating against Russia, usually... minus the cyber attacks hacks in which they are very quiet about
“That would not happen, because we're going to put up a no-fly zone where the Russians are clearly kept informed," Clinton said. "I want them at the table."

I'm working on some content to address this.

Perhaps something like this would address the concern:
In regards to U.S. relations with Russia, Hillary has a strong record of exploring diplomatic options and attempts to strengthen relations. As Russia increased air force activity at the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, Hillary was asked if she would shoot down a Russian jet. She replied “That would not happen, because we're going to put up a no-fly zone where the Russians are clearly kept informed," Clinton said. "I want them at the table." In 2009, Hillary was a key architect of the Russian reset, aimed at strengthening U.S.- Russia relations under the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The reset encouraged the reduction of both the U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenal. As Putin returned to power, Hillary urged President Obama to take a tougher line with the Russian President. She called for stricter sanctions on Russia after Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot down.

During the 3rd Democratic debate, Hillary made it clear that she would want Russia included in a coalition to help destroy ISIS. She has repeated her stance that “there is an important role for Russia to help in resolving the conflict in Syria.”

Feedback and edits would be wonderful. I'm adding the sources.

@stefmcneely74 I really like this. Do you want to incorporate this into the article? If not, I can probably do it tomorrow. Thanks!

@robmyre I can incorporate it. Thanks.

Thank you @stefmcneely74 !

Eyas commented

Fixed by #160