
This Git repository serves as a comprehensive case study for SQL database management and analysis. It includes a set of SQL scripts, database schemas, and documentation aimed at demonstrating various aspects of SQL, data modeling, and problem-solving.

SQL Project : Music Store Analysis

⏳ Dataset

This dataset contains 11 tables. Using this table we need to find the answers of the given problem. We are supposed to write a SQL query to the given problems.

Schema- Music Store Database


🗒️ Description

  • SQL project to analyze online music store data
  • This SQL project focuses on analyzing a dataset from an online music store. It provides a valuable learning experience for beginners in SQL, guiding them through the process of querying and interpreting data to gain insights into the music store's operations.

🧰 Tools

  • PostgreSQL
  • PG Admin4
  • 📔 Summary :

    This PostgreSQL SQL project revolves around the analysis of a dataset from an online music store. It offers an ideal starting point for SQL enthusiasts to apply their querying skills and derive meaningful insights from the music store's database.