
Feature: Allow users to sign-up with email

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The DAOs stated mission is:

Accelerate the education and value of a new wave of web3 builders.

and one of our two stated goals is :

Onboard, Educate, and support Web3 Developers

If we want to deliver on this mission we should make it as easy as possible for new users to sign-up. I also don't believe the future of web3 will involve most users custody-ing their own keys and certainly not as their first experience of web3. We should prioritise the best experience for the use here and imo that is allowing the smoothly, and frankly for new users, safest first experience. Once we've got them signed up with can them teach them everything we hold so dear about web3/blockchain technology.

There are plenty of tools that offer this now such as privy and auth0 etc. thought they do come with a cost.

Either way, similar to #212 I believe this is a key feature to address the highlighted challenge from the retro of "Business Model & Rewards ".