
Feat: Issue code for lessons/track completions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Academy provides an excellent opportunity to reward people for learning measurably in CODE. If we issued monthly (or even) more regular rewards in CODE for people who have complete tracks and we marketed this opportunity, it would significantly increase the academy's adoption. I understand we have accounts already and are tracking lessons and track completion. If we were to start marketing CODE rewards for completing academy tracks, it would also incentivise bots and people looking to game the system.

Some ideas for mitigating this:

Integrate Gitcoin passport

Integrate your passport and set a threshold for eligibility for rewards. I like this approach as it dogfoods a Gitcoin product, thus getting us closer to an important partner. The lessons from this could translate into a lesson/track on the academy for doing the same, potentially part of a course we may be able to secure funding for from Gitcoin.

Integrate email

This would help; however, from experience, it is easy for bots to create thousands of emails/wallets and then a script to auto-complete courses, so it is not the most viable IMO (though emails are essential IMO)

Other ideas?

Gitcoin passport is a wonderful idea to consider for authentication.

Gitcoin passport is a wonderful idea to consider for authentication.

hey @elPiablo thanks for your input here!


updating some thinking here...

Still feel it would be DOPE to have Gitcoin passport integrated and maybe even issue more rewards for people with a higher Sybil score, BUT if we had more fully fledged accounts that included requiring users to verify their emails by clicking a link in their inbox that would probably be enough to ensure we don't get bot-ted to death.

I'd like to approach Gitcoin about some form of education partnership possibly related to Quadratic funding (generally and including Allo protocol) as well as Sybil resistance and Gitcoin passport.

We need sybil resistance in our app to distribute rewards. I think a world where we have Gitcoin passport integrated and users are required to reach a certain Gitcoin passport score in order to receive rewards is a good world, it also hopefully supports the argument for a grant from Gitcoin as we're increasing adoption of gitcoin passport via our app.

@Markkos89 thoughts from an engineering perspective and @wolovim @elPiablo thoughts from a content perspective?