
Support TypeScript

Opened this issue · 7 comments

It is possible to support TypeScript:


  • create templates directory
  • rename template to default
  • move default to templates
  • create templates/typescript directory
    • will next/hardhat need separate directories due totsconfig.json?
  • update create-app.js for --typescript
    • install dependencies
    • copy templates/typescript assets

Reference for the steps above:

Why let people make non typescript projects at all? Nobody should be doing this in 2021 imo.

e-roy commented

correct, this is possible. I left code for the option of typescript install here

// .option(

and the code to copy the correct templated folder here

// cwd: path.join(__dirname, 'templates', template), //for seperate templated folders

I think the idea was to focus a working plain js version as a MVP and exploring ts later.

I would volunteer to help migrate this project to TypeScript

Should we add TypeScript for a template project?

I would volunteer to help migrate this project to TypeScript

Go for it! Give me typescript or give me death.

e-roy commented

Changes in the file structure coming down the pipeline. This helps for smoother npm publishing and future scaling of this project if tested and merged.

Linked PR

Changes in the file structure coming down the pipeline. This helps for smoother npm publishing and future scaling of this project if tested and merged.

Linked PR

Nicely done, please ping me here in this issue whenever it's ready to be migrated to TypeScript and hopeful I'm not gonna interfere the development cycle