
[Feature]: Add T&Cs and Privacy Policy Pages

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Context / Background / How This Idea Came To Fruition

As part of the Developer DAO Foundation setup we have drafted T&Cs and a Privacy policy which people who use the site and any associated services need to adhere.

Problem / Opportunity

These need to be linked clearly on the website for any user to find directly or via a link from another doc/site/app.

Proposed Solution / How It Can Be Improved

Create two new pages:

  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy Policy
  • Update footer to include links to these pages

Testing the changes

Will manually test the changes?

Additional Information

Can't share the full T&C's now however what the Term of Use and Privacy Policy pages need from a structural point of view are:

  • H1
  • Order list with the ability to have an unordered list as a direct child which uses bullet points.
  • Hyperlinks

Does anyone have any opinions on what is the best date library to use on the site? Will need to format dates for the Terms page to show when it was last updated and didn't want to jump the gun and add a dep if others had formed opinions on this?

@kempsterrrr I have always used moment.js, and it is a fine library

but "recently", other libs became popular cause they are "blazingly fast"

moment - 16m weekly downloads
date-fns - 11m weekly downloads
dayjs - 9m weekly
luxon - 3m weekly

Check some of the format APIs and decide which one is for you
luxon - I don't like it at first glance, so skipping)

thanks @andriishupta - ended up using date-fns, there is an open pr for this now Developer-DAO/

Will merge in what requried for The Developer DAO Foundation setup.