
Text color for recurrence options in deletion dialog

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I could not find CSS that was obviously intended to apply to the text in the recurrence dialog when deleting an event.

I added .SDtMeb as follows to fix it, but I'm not sure this is the correct way to do it:

*=======Custom recurrence popup=======*/
    /*Other text*/
    .PbnGhe, .SDtMeb {
        color: var(--gcal-primary-text-color) !important;

Could you create a pull request and I'll review and approve if it makes sense.

I'm sorry, I don't have any real idea where the relevant style should go, but I'll create a PR anyway.

I updated the style to update when the user changes the system theme and fixed this issue as well. If you find anything else, please submit a pull request and let me know.