
Chat: Redirect to `/chat` if contact with id from url was not found (only when there are no contacts)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Right now if user mistypes in chat url, page will show loader on the place of messages.
Instead we should redirect to /chat route.

Could you please help me reproduce this issue?

Currently, if I have open the chat page with a path, like this:

then mistyping the uuid and pressing the Return key, will redirect me to the chat page and display the chat list. The loader will promptly disappear.

@lilsweetcaligula if you type wrong id after profile/chat/ and don't press any keys, you should see something like this (if you have any contacts, you will not see empty contacts message, just loader)

My suggestion is to redirect user to /profile/chat in case like this right away, without waiting for them to press Return, Back or anything else.

Oh, I see now. It only seems to happen when you have no chats at all.

@lilsweetcaligula tested, you are right, I changed title of the issue.

The #22 has been deployed to now.