
missing langugaes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

thanks for great job, but how to select language (for example Polish, Bulgarian.....), which is available for SW itself (VLC, O365, Adobe reader), but thia choice is not in GUI? is it possible via editing .txt file?

Deyda commented

No, I have implemented most of the languages I can select with the Evergreen Powershell module. Which additional languages did you miss? and in which software do you miss the Polish language? can you send me a list of items? Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees ^^

Hello, thansk, I´m missing Czech language (Polish was an exmaple, cause it´s bigger country than Czech rep.) for Adobe Reader, VLC, Office 365, Teams, OneDrive, 7ZIP, Split and Merge, Irfan (they exists), but i´m not sure what I´ll use in future (what apps), so the question was in general....
thanks 4 your time

Deyda commented

Pefect. Then I'll see what I can do with czech language in general and in the individual programs...let's see what the nevergreen or evergreen module can offer....

great, thanks a lot. if u need any kind of support (i.e. with czech language...) feel free to ask.....

Deyda commented

Implemented in Version 2.07.1