Pinned Repositories
Analyzed the bank data , formed visualizations using seaborn , Built a model based on selected features which we got from OLS , RFE and VIF . And made predictions using Logistic and random forest algorithms.
Conv Layers using Filters ,Strides , padding , and Max pooling layers. Transfer Learning , Style Transfers , Auto Encoders , Dog breed classification , MNIST , CIFAR 10 Augmentation and Flower type Classification
Done EDA for India as well as for World using the data which we have collected through API's
Projects from Basic to advanced using neural networks ( CNN, RNN ) Which can be based on math using numpy or else u sing deep learning algorithms i.e. neural networks
Digits images generation , Pix 2 Pix , Cycle-GAN,SVH numbers generation and New faces Generation using Linear hidden layers, Deep CGANS , and using Batch normalization to perform better in Generator and Discriminators.
This includes projects of Supervised : such as Regression - SLR , MLR ,Classification - SVM , Log Reg , Dec Tree , KNN and Unsupervised : K Means , Heirarchical & DBSCAN & aslo recommendor systems
Algorithms developed from scratch by de-bunking black box of ML-Algorithms
Scraping techniques to collect data , Hidden Markov Model ,then clean it using NLTK-RE-Stop words , and applying TF-IDF , word2Vec ,Vectorization , POS Tags and apply different models. Also built as Spam classifier using Naive Bayes probabilistic Theorem.
Long Short Term Memory is used for Image Caption Generation | Next Character Prediction | Movie review | Sequence models or feeding the input based on current & past inputs.
DheerajPranav's Repositories
Analyzed the bank data , formed visualizations using seaborn , Built a model based on selected features which we got from OLS , RFE and VIF . And made predictions using Logistic and random forest algorithms.
Done EDA for India as well as for World using the data which we have collected through API's
This includes projects of Supervised : such as Regression - SLR , MLR ,Classification - SVM , Log Reg , Dec Tree , KNN and Unsupervised : K Means , Heirarchical & DBSCAN & aslo recommendor systems
Used Machine learning to predict the price of a car based on several characteristics. The objective is to build a model to understand the factors that drive the car of the price. This will help the automobile company launch their new car in the market effectively by pricing it better. Tasks performed : - Performed EDA on the data - Performed data cleanup as required - Picked the best variable for making a simple linear regression model - Perform train test split - Build model using best variable and report the R2 - Prepared a multiple regression model >> Applied feature selection approaches such as Variance Inflation Factor(VIF) , Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Recursive Feature elimination(RFE). - Final model is formed in a interpretable form
Boston data with LINEAR REGRESSION
Quiz & Assignment of Coursera
Data Visualizations
Matlab assignments and projects
Considering a news article & examined for the reliable and accurate prediction. To build a model for predicting the category of news used NLP cleaning techniques & then applied three algorithms.
Used pytorch , VGG to detect dogs
Updated 2 minutes ago PLAYER UNKNOWN BATTLEGROUNDS: This includes a pubg dataset which I have taken from kaggle and performed plotting functions. Impressive ! Get in zone and get down !
t takes data which contains Student data such as CGPA,No. of backlogs, Technical skills, Communicaton skills and forms a predictive model , which is further used to predict whether a student can be placed or not.Based on this prediction teachers can take care of students who are predicted as 0.With this a student increase his increase performance and prepare accordingly.
Hyper parameter tuning is applied for XGBOOST