
Usage of Discord-Together

Closed this issue · 3 comments

From what I briefly checked, you are using Pycord Alpha. Yet you seem to be using Discord-Together for creating Embedded Activity Invites.

Pycord provides a channel.create_activity_invite method on Voice Channels
Usage can be-

channel_invite = await channel.create_activity_invite(application_id) #You can find application ids from the source code of Discord Together. Maybe store and find it from somewhere.
await ctx.send(f"Invite is {channel_invite}")

This way, you can rely less on 3rd party libraries that could lead to bugs/errors which are difficult to trace.

Yes, you are right. I was actually not aware of this ability earlier. Thanks for informing

Hi @MasterBaiter123 would you like to work on this issue? Just trying to finish up everything as soon as possible, and I'm a bit busy right now (working on https://millenia.tech)
It would be really helpful if you do.

Hmm. Alright i'll try