
Jab notify - Mobile application ,May 26, 2021

The new phase of the world’s largest covid-19 vaccination drive has been associated limited vaccine doses availability, disrupted supply chain. Slots are booked in a few minutes of opening. Registering for a slot it is very time consuming and diligent task for individual especially digitally illiterate people. Our mobile application will notify users when a slot available nearby (GPS) and reminder for a second dose.*


Users would able to save their time and get real time personalized notification and reminder regarding doses via better User Interface (UI). this app can play good role to bridge Digital divide and provide equal access to vaccine registration. We going to use Co-WIN Protected APIs , if we get access of Test Server using API by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Otherwise, we will use Co-WIN Public APIs . using Co-win Protected APIs our app can eliminate 30 minutes delay in appointment availability data.

'*' At that time,there was short supply of vaacince in india.