Unable to run real device- Pactconsumer
vivekthambikannu opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I am using pact consumer in my project, real time device only able to run my project unable to run in simulator.
my local ip address is =, iam getting this error
failed - Error setting up pact: The request timed out.
failed - Verification error (check build log for mismatches): The request timed out.
My code
let verificationService = PactVerificationService(url: "", port: 1234)
mockService = MockService(provider: "Provider", consumer: "iOS", pactVerificationService: verificationService)
Is your Pact mock service running on
Can you access any other things on the computer from the device? You can check for any network issues by running a simple http server on port 1234 on your computer, and trying to access that from device's browser. If that doesn't work, there is some sort of network issue between the device and computer which you will need to resolve.
Is your Pact mock service running on
yes my mock service running on this url :
This my code
let verificationService = PactVerificationService(url: "", port: 1234)
mockService = MockService(provider: "SomeName Provider", consumer: "SomeName iOS", pactVerificationService: verificationService)
func testConsumerMaintenance() {
let apiService = ApiService()
let urL = mockService.baseUrl
guard let url = URL(string: "\(urL)/banner") else {
XCTFail("Failed to prepare url!")
mockService.given("an alligator exists")
.uponReceiving("a request for all alligators")
.withRequest(method:.GET, path: "/banner",headers: ["Authorization": "Bearer a.b.c"])
.willRespondWith(status: 200,
body: userResponse)
//Run the tests
mockService.run(timeout: 10000) { (testComplete) -> Void in
apiService.apiPostMethod(url: url, withHttpMethod: .GET) { (alligators) in
XCTAssertEqual(2, alligators?.data?[0].id)
The failure
failed - Error setting up pact: The request timed out.
failed - Verification error (check build log for mismatches): The request timed out.
means that your API client did not trigger or the requests did not reach Pact Mock Service.
Does you apiService
handle and/or display HTTP errors?
That is assuming you're using pact-ruby-standalone
, but even then, if you're using it like a standalone mock provider, it would most likely give you invalid Pact contract file as one pact-ruby-standalone
mock service instance should be used for only one test run. Otherwise you end up stacking up all the Pact unit tests you run for the life of the mock service.