
Support for Intel HD 4000 on Mac

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I've got a macbook pro with Intel HD 4000 gpu. I do the command line right but get this answer:

[07.04.13 17:54:42] Started
[07.04.13 17:54:42] Connecting to: http://mining.bitcoin.cz:8332/
[07.04.13 17:54:43] Using Apple OpenCL 1.2 (Dec 4 2012 18:26:30)
[07.04.13 17:54:43] ERROR: OpenCL platform Apple contains no devices
[07.04.13 17:54:43] ERROR: No OpenCL devices found

Thank you for your help, lt

Sounds like either a driver bug or you're not on OSX 10.8. DiabloMiner relies on a properly functioning OpenCL driver.

I'm on newest 10.8

Strange. I have access to an Intel 4000 GPU now, I'll check it later. Most likely, it can't be fixed. I'll reopen this bug.

Same here too.

same here three

Running OS x 10.7.5
Processor: 2.5 Ghz i5
GPU: intel hd 4000

Same issue here

We'll I figured out whats wrong. OSX does not yet support OpenCL on Intel HD4000 series GPUs yet, even though the hardware is clearly capable of it and supported in Windows.

I encourage people to submit bug reports to Apple on this.