
Defining Create with Typescript

Closed this issue · 1 comments

First of all, thanks for creating this repo! I'm trying it out now.

I was wondering, how do you define "set" in typescript when creating the store? My original Zustand code used to look like this:

const useRoomState = create((set: SetState, get: GetState) => ({

But 'SetState' is not assignable with Zustand-addon's new create function. Any suggestions for what type to define set as?

You're welcome Paul, I'm glad you are trying this out.

The addons setState uses a union type. I forgot to export the types but you can do the following:

import { GetState, PartialState, SetState, State } from "zustand"
import create from "zustand-store-addons";

interface SetStateSettings {
  excludeFromLogs?: boolean | undefined;
  replace?: boolean | undefined;

declare type SetStateAddons<T extends State> = (
  partial: PartialState<T>,
  setSettings?: SetStateSettings
) => void;

type AppStore = {
  num: number;
  generate: () => void;

const useAppStore = create(
    set: SetStateAddons<AppStore> | SetState<AppStore>,
    get: GetState<AppStore>
  ) => ({
    num:  0,
    generate: () =>
        num: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100)

You can take a look at this example: https://codesandbox.io/s/zustand-store-addons-ts-example-4e6nc