
Clicking X button for edited Sample in Container view doesn't cancel edit

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Select a Proposal.
  2. In the [current-proposal] menu, click Containers.
  3. Click a Container in the list.
  4. Click the Pencil button to edit an empty Location.
  5. Select a Protein Acronym from the drop-down menu. This changes the background of the Name textfield to red.
  6. Click the X button of the Location being edited to cancel the edit.

Expected Behavior

The edit of the Location should be canceled, and the Check and X buttons should be replaced with the Pencil button.

Actual Behavior

Nothing happens. The Location remains in edit mode. The only way to recover is to reload the page or enter a valid Name and press the Check button to save it.

No longer an issue in the vue-style container pages.