
Shipment "Mark as Sent" button can break scanned Assign Containers view

Closed this issue · 4 comments

If a user clicks the "Mark as Sent" button in the Shipment view for a shipment when a container from a dewar from that shipment has been assigned to a sample changer location, it will cause the status of the dewar to be changed from processing to sent to facility! This is disastrous because it will make the container disappear from the scanned Assign Containers view because the dewar status is no longer processing which is one of the conditions for querying which containers are in the sample changer! Any other database queries that rely on the dewar status being processing as part of finding which containers are in the sample changer will also break. It should not be possible for a user to break things like this simply by clicking the "Mark as Sent" button of a shipment.



This shouldnt be possible. The button is only shown if the shipment is "opened", "awb created", or "pickup booked". It shouldnt appear if status = processing (assigned)

Merged as #213