
Eurpoe/London timezone is hardcoded

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There are at least 4 occurrences of Europe/London hardcoded into the app.

api/src/Page.php:                    $inputTZ = new \DateTimeZone('Europe/London');
client/src/js/modules/stats/views/breakdown.js:                        timezone: 'Europe/London',
client/src/js/modules/stats/views/breakdown.js:                        timezone: 'Europe/London',

It might be good to somehow extract these out to a config file.

Yes - agreed. We will add a locale configuration parameter in config.php

Theres still a bit of work to do to make this completely diamond free. Im working on it :)

can you also add in "Time at Diamond is:" in the visits page to use the site_name? It seems like this should be the one using site_name and site_link instead of the copyright notice at the bottom.

Yep can do