
Move to pyright

callumforrester opened this issue · 8 comments

Acceptance Criteria

at the moment, python-copier-template pyproject.toml does not contain references to pyright, neither does it have it as a dev dependency


@stan-dot That is for setting up a dev environment to build/test the template, it is not the file used to make projects, you're looking for this: https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/python-copier-template/blob/main/template/pyproject.toml.jinja

ah right, so we need to add pyright to the dev dependencies, second add

typeCheckingMode = "standard"
reportMissingImports = false # Ignore missing stubs in imported modules

third, remove mypy references

25 errors in src, 9 errors in tests

working on it

sim_motor types issues - might ignore but alternatively just delete

task worker state is also problematic

also run engine 'run' part with the hooks is unclear